Formula to calculate hours: As a general rule of thumb, working time = 1002Wh X 0.85 / operating wattage of your device.
For example, if your device is 60W, the working time will be about 1002Wh X 0.85 / 60w=14.2hrs. Please note: the actual working time may vary from different usages and conditions. The total wattage output from the HomePower ONE should be under 1000 watts. If exceeded, the HomePower ONE will shut off automatically. Please check your device's specifications before use.
Formula to calculate Watt-hour (Wh) to Amp-hour (Ah):
Wh / V = Ah, where V is the voltage.
For example with 1002Wh,
If you just use the AC outlets at 110V, the total Amp-hour will be 9.1 Ah.
If you just use the USB outlets at 5V, the total Amp-hour will be 200.4 Ah.
If you just use the car outlet at 12V, the total Amp-hour will be 83.5 Ah.
Formula to calculate watts:
The formula is (Amps)*(Voltage) = (Watts)
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